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At St. Charles, preschoolers have the opportunity to build skills in the five development areas: social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and creative.

We believe that children are naturally strong, capable learners worth of trust and support. We look for guidance from each child to aid us in their learning. We respect and value children and believe that their ideas and theories are a source of curriculum. We incorporate Catholic values and celebrate the goodness of Jesus Christ each school day.

Children learn about themselves and the world around them through investigation and discovery, through art, dramatic play, and social interactions. Important areas such as literacy and numeracy development are introduced and woven through all activities, taking place in each of the traditional early learning domains and activity centers.

Building social skills, specifically getting along with others, may be the most important skill that children bring to Kindergarten. Learning to express one's feelings is another vital skill, as well as solving problems as they arise.

Cognitive skills are thinking skills and general knowledge. During our preschool hours, children are given many opportunities to begin learning about science, math, social studies, and language.

Outdoor play builds children's physical fitness. Enabling children to play games with others and master large muscle movements strengthens both the child's self-esteem and their friendships. Fine motor skills are developed through a variety of activities, sucha s stringing beads, sewing cards, crayons, scissors, and puzzles.

Music, singing, art, and dramatics are parts of our curriculum that provide for many creative experiences, encouraging children to use their creativity and imagination.

We want you and your child to become familiar with the St. Charles Preschool program. We invite you to visit our classrooms and observe our program, and to ask questions.